TRETC 2025
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Monday, January 20

9:15am EST

A Different Form of Advocacy
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Advocacy means supporting our students, there are several ways to accomplish this. This poster session illustrates how to advocate for your students by showcasing their work and achievements publicly, safely, and appropriately. The goal is to build a bridge to the community to draw support for what your students are accomplishing in your classroom.

  1. This session shows how to give voice to students from any socio-economic or ethnic background. The process shows how to utilize free resources to give voice to any and all students.
  2. Encourages educators to build out FREE Platforms to showcase student work in a safe manner utilizing best practices for a variety of classroom levels.
  3. Attendees will discuss and begin safely building out their platforms in ways to reach a broader community of parents and other educators to showcase student successes and build not only an audience for their work, but support for their efforts.
avatar for Dominic Salvucci

Dominic Salvucci

Teacher, New Brighton School District
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 109

9:15am EST

AI & Learning Design with Eduaide LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Title: AI & Learning Design with Eduaide

Description: In this session, attendees will explore the foundations of Large Language Models (LLMs), their functionality, and current limitations. We’ll examine the challenges and opportunities of AI in education, highlighting practical applications for lesson planning, learning materials design, and teaching support. The workshop concludes with a lab of Eduaide.Ai, demonstrating a workspace for AI-assisted instructional planning and learning design. 

Giveaways, discussions, and hands-on exploration should be expected.

Session Objectives:
1. Understand the Foundations and Limitations of LLMs in Education
  • Attendees will be able to explain how Large Language Models (LLMs) work, their strengths and weaknesses in generating instructional content, and their implications for meaning-making and semantic understanding in classroom applications.
2. Evaluate the Role of AI in Enhancing Teaching and Learning
  • Attendees will critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI into educational practices with an eye to evidence-based instructional methods and practical classroom examples.
3. Apply AI Tools to Instructional Design Using Eduaide.Ai
  • Attendees will actively engage with an AI system to explore its capabilities as a workspace for AI-assisted planning and design, identifying practical use cases that align with their educational needs and goals.


Thomas Thompson

CEO, Co Founder, Eduaide.Ai
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 219

9:15am EST

AI + Early Literacy Development: The Early Learning Collaborative a Model for Change LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
In partnership, the Early Excellence Project, The Center that CARES, and Jeremiah's Place have created the Early Learning Collaborative that leverages AI to enhance literacy development, focusing on addressing opportunity gaps for young learners. This project aims to address systemic inequities in literacy by targeting foundational challenges in early childhood education. With a commitment to equity and access, we integrate technology to deliver personalized, culturally responsive literacy support. Attendees will interact with the project’s AI powered curriculum, Waterford, firsthand and explore our approach to assessing impact and adapting to the needs of Black and other historically marginalized children. This session will illustrate how our collaborative model strives to create lasting change in early learning systems.

1. Understand Collaborative Approaches for Equitable Early Literacy Development:
Participants will explore how the Early Learning Collaborative leverages educational technology to bridge equity gaps in early literacy, emphasizing strategies that address root causes in early childhood development for lasting impact.

2. Identify Best Practices in Implementing AI for Early Learning Programs:
Through interactive discussion, participants will identify actionable steps for implementing technology in early learning environments, including key factors that enhance access and equity in literacy programs, to apply within their own schools or organizations.

3. Identify Best Practices in Implementing AI for Early Learning Programs:
Through interactive discussion, participants will identify actionable steps for implementing technology in early learning environments, including key factors that enhance access and equity in literacy programs, to apply within their own schools or organizations.


McKenzie Williams

Director of Development, Jeremiah's Place

Dr. DaVonna Shannon

Owner, A. Shannon Consulting

Shinora Johnson

Chief Operations Officier, The Center That CARES
avatar for Dr. Cassandra Brentley

Dr. Cassandra Brentley

Strategic Operations, Early Excellence Project
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 103

9:15am EST

AI-Powered Tools for Enhancing Math Learning: Boosting Engagement Through Hybrid Tutoring, Goal Setting, and Parental Support LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
This session introduces AI-based tools designed to enhance middle school math homework through goal-setting, motivation, and parental involvement. Attendees will explore the Smart Homework Project, which showcases tools co-designed with students and parents to provide personalized support, helping students stay on track and empowering parents to assist with challenging homework. Additionally, the session will feature the PLUS Tutors program, which originated from the Personalized Learning² (PL²) project aimed at bridging opportunity gaps in the Pittsburgh region through math tutoring. By partnering with local afterschool programs, PLUS Tutors successfully reached underserved communities and doubled student math learning during the pandemic. Now focused on in-school math tutoring, PLUS Tutors currently reaches nearly 3,000 middle school students with 300 remote tutors. Attendees will experience an interactive demonstration of these tools and learn practical strategies for fostering stronger connections between home and school; the session will also explore opportunities for school partnerships to implement these AI tools in educational settings.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand how AI-based tools can enhance middle school math homework by integrating goal-setting, motivation, and parental involvement to improve student engagement and achievement.
2. Explore practical strategies for incorporating AI-supported tools into school settings, empowering teachers to track student progress and enabling parents to assist with challenging homework tasks.
3. Learn about the PLUS Tutors program and its impact on bridging opportunity gaps through math tutoring, and identify ways to form school partnerships to implement similar AI tools in underserved communities. 
avatar for Conrad Borchers

Conrad Borchers

PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University
avatar for Erin Gatz

Erin Gatz

Head of Partnerships, Carnegie Mellon University
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 101

9:15am EST

ELLs in Your Content-Area Classroom: Empower them with Edtech (K-12) LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Are you looking for practical ways to better support English Language Learners (ELLs) in your classroom?  

This session will equip you with dynamic strategies and user-friendly, tech-based resources that will unlock ELL learning and engagement in your classroom.
As you explore new techniques, you will see how enhancing your existing routines and curriculum will empower your ELLs to thrive in the content-area classroom.

This session is designed for those in a content-area or grade-level (K-12) setting in which English Language Learners are students in classrooms alongside those who speak English as a primary language.

  1. Learn general strategies to support ELLs in the classroom and about edtech tools that can be used in order to effectively implement such strategies.
  2. Understand gain a basic familiarity with a few low-prep, high impact edtech tools that can be incorporated into any teacher’s routine to better support their ELLs.
  3. Gain a better understanding of both the needs and capabilities of our English-Language Learners.
avatar for Rachel McVeagh

Rachel McVeagh

Instructional Innovation Coordinator, Allegheny Intermediate Unit (transformED)
Rachel McVeagh serves as the Instructional Innovation Coordinator at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU). In this role, she coordinates and facilitates hands-on opportunities for educators through the AIU's transformED program.  transformED provides educators in the region with... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 105

9:15am EST

Intro to micro:bit and micro:bit Create AI LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Join us for an exciting introduction to the micro:bit, a pocket-sized computer that opens up a world of coding and physical computing! This interactive session will guide you through the basics of programming with MakeCode. We will also explore all the free resources available through the Micro:bit Educational Foundation. If you're a beginner or have some experience, this workshop is perfect for anyone curious about micro:bit and not sure where to start. Let's build, code, and innovate together!

Dive into the future of creative coding with micro:bit CreateAI! This innovative tool combines the power of machine learning with the versatility of the micro:bit. In this session, you'll learn how to train your own AI models to recognize gestures. You'll then apply these models to create interactive code that blend the physical and digital worlds. Whether you're a seasoned coder or a curious beginner, this workshop will inspire you to explore the exciting possibilities of AI and micro:bit.

  1. Gain a foundational understanding of the micro:bit's capabilities: Participants will learn about the core features, sensors, and outputs of the micro:bit, and how it can be used to engage students in STEM learning.
  2. Explore the MakeCode platform and its potential for educational applications: Participants will become familiar with the user-friendly interface of MakeCode, accessibility features, and learn how to create simple programs to control the micro:bit's inputs and outputs.
  3. Discover a variety of resources and activities for incorporating micro:bit into the classroom: Participants will be introduced to the rich ecosystem of online resources, tutorials, and curriculum materials available for micro:bit, enabling them to implement engaging and effective STEM activities in their classrooms.
  4. Understand the basics of machine learning and its applications in education: Participants will gain a conceptual understanding of machine learning and how it can be used to create engaging and interactive learning experiences.
  5. Learn how to train and deploy AI models on the micro:bit: Participants will acquire practical skills in using the micro:bit CreateAI tool to train custom gesture recognition models and integrate them into their code.
  6. Identify opportunities to integrate AI and micro:bit into existing curriculum: Participants will explore how to incorporate AI and micro:bit projects into subjects like science, math, and art, enhancing student engagement and fostering a deeper understanding of STEM concepts.
avatar for Amanda Jeane Strode

Amanda Jeane Strode

Director of Learning, CodeJoy
Amanda Jeane is the Director of Learning for CodeJoy, micro:bit Champion, presenting virtually and in-person at conferences like ISTE and PETE&C. As a classroom teacher, she facilitated numerous indoor and outdoor activities with students, started robotics clubs, and supported teacher... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 113

9:15am EST

The Power of Generative AI: Redefining Writing Instruction with WisdomK12 LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Imagine revolutionizing how students learn to write, with instant, personalized feedback that motivates them to improve faster than ever before. This lecture presents a groundbreaking case study on WisdomK12, an automated writing evaluation tool transforming writing instruction in Northeastern U.S. middle schools. This study, guided by Richard Elmore's renowned instructional core framework, reveals how public and private school teachers and students embrace technology to enhance learning outcomes. Participants found that WisdomK12 not only saves valuable time but also delivers authentic, encouraging feedback, inspiring students to write more and with greater confidence. If you’re invested in improving education with cutting-edge technology, this presentation is your gateway to understanding the future of writing instruction.

In "Generative AI in the Classroom: Redefining the Writing Process," we explore how local school districts have transformed writing instruction using the innovative WisdomK12 generative AI tool. This presentation will showcase qualitative and quantitative data highlighting the tool's impact on student engagement and writing proficiency. Attendees will gain insights from students, teachers, and administrators who have successfully integrated WisdomK12 into their curricula. Discover firsthand experiences and best practices that demonstrate how AI can enhance the writing process. Join us to learn how generative AI is reshaping education, making writing instruction more efficient and effective.

  1. Apply AI to improve writing.
  2. Emphasize writing in cross-curricular assignments with AI affordances.Leverage AI to improve critical thinking and creativity.
  3. Understand the Integration of Generative AI in Writing Instruction: Participants will learn how the WisdomK12 generative AI tool is being used to redefine the teaching of writing, including the specific methods and strategies employed by local school districts.
  4. Analyze Data and Outcomes: Attendees will review and interpret qualitative and quantitative data collected from the implementation of the WisdomK12 tool, gaining insights into its effectiveness in improving student writing skills and engagement.
  5. Gain Practical Insights from Real-world Implementations: Participants will hear firsthand accounts from students, teachers, and administrators who have used the tool, enabling them to identify best practices and potential challenges in adopting generative AI in their own educational settings.
avatar for Eric Sparkenbaugh

Eric Sparkenbaugh

Asst. Superintendent, Montour School District
avatar for Michael Marchionda

Michael Marchionda

CEO, WisdomK12
Michael Marchionda is a seasoned educator, entrepreneur, and thought leader in the intersection of education and artificial intelligence. As the founder and CEO of WisdomK12, Michael has revolutionized how educators and students collaborate, leveraging generative AI to enhance writing... Read More →
avatar for Traci Eshelman Ramey, Ph.D.

Traci Eshelman Ramey, Ph.D.

Executive Director, EdTech by Design
An experienced and published researcher and director of an educational technology company with exceptional communication skills. Leverages skills to provide support to students experiencing homelessness and populations experiencing extreme poverty through research and educational... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am EST
Middle School, Room 111

10:15am EST

Carnegie Mellon University - Digital Writing Lab Models: Dynamic and Mutually Beneficial Student Support LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Carnegie Mellon University has a variety of education outreach offerings throughout the University, including the Leonard Gelfand Center for Service Learning and Outreach’s LGC Tutoring. COVID-19 forced this program to find unique alternatives to in-person tutoring to support students, which have since been found beneficial post-COVID. With community partners, the establishment of fully virtual digital writing centers allows CMU undergraduate student tutors to offer robust written feedback to high school students. This session will offer an overview of the digital writing center models, the structures for implementation, and details of the mutual benefits of this partnership; featuring Burrell High School and the Leonard Gelfand Center's Digital Writing Lab. 

  1. Attendees will be able to identify the benefits of the digital writing lab model for 6-12th graders and undergraduate and graduate students in high education settings. 
  2. Attendees will be able to understand the dynamics of partnering with High Education instructions using open source technology.
  3. Attendees will be able to understand how to create a digital writing lab or how to work with an existing digital writing lab 
avatar for Mimi Wertheimer

Mimi Wertheimer

Director of Student Instructor Development and K-12 Community Partnership, Leonard Gelfand Center @ Carnegie Mellon University
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 219

10:15am EST

Connecting Communities Through Cosmic Careers LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Norton Gusky, NLG Consulting
Mike Hennessy, Moonshot Museum
Tim Powers, Streamable Media
Jacki Clymer, Quakertown School District 

Connecting Communities through Cosmic Careers:  This interactive presentation will focus on career opportunities in the space industry, virtual opportunities for partnerships to explore space careers, how to develop interactive activities for career exploration, and how to increase the impact of career connections by aligning experiences to standards and a common language.  This session will bring together experienced three educators from the classroom, science museum, and business community to explain how they created a series of virtual interactive programs that impacted students across the United States using the RIASEC framework for career connections.

  1. Attendees will learn about the vast array of career possibilities available to students in the region across the STEAM disciplines.
  2. Attendees will explore virtual opportunities to explore space careers, and interactive activities designed for virtual instruction.
  3. Attendees will explore how they can introduce their students to space careers while aligning to standards-based curricula.
avatar for Tim Powers

Tim Powers

Regional Director, US, Streamable Learning
Streamable Learning enhances K-12 education by offering live, interactive video field trips that connect classrooms with experts from around the world. Students can participate in real-time discussions, Q&A sessions, and engaging activities. With over 600 standards-aligned field trips... Read More →
avatar for Norton Gusky

Norton Gusky

Educational Technology Broker, NLG-Consulting, LLC
For over 40 years I've been an educator - teacher, CTO, and now an educational technology broker. For more look at my website:https://nlg-consulting.net/about/
avatar for Mike Hennessy

Mike Hennessy

Manager of Learning & Programs, Moonshot Museum
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 111

10:15am EST

Differentiating the Writing Process with AI LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Many educators are concerned about the future of academic writing assignments due to the unethical and dishonest use of AI writing generators.  However, with a writing process approach, AI can enhance, not take over, student writing, and in fact, provide scaffolded support. During this presentation, attendees will learn how to use AI to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning needs, providing customized support such as personalized feedback for brainstorming, outlining, editing, and revising based on student proficiency levels and needs. For each part of the writing process participants will learn about a specific AI tool that can support students. Participants will leave this session knowing how to apply these resources to their writing instruction. 

1. Understand how to use AI to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning needs.
2. Learn how to provide personalized feedback using AI for tasks such as brainstorming, outlining, editing, and revising.
3. Apply AI tools to customize support based on student proficiency levels and specific learning needs.
avatar for Jenna Copper

Jenna Copper

Assistant Professor of Education, Slippery Rock University
avatar for Sam	Fecich

Sam Fecich

Instructor, Slippery Rock University
Speaker, author, and podcaster Dr. Sam Fecich is a former special education teacher who shares a passion for teaching and the profession. Today, she balances her work as an instructor at Slippery Rock University by spending time with family and friends, collecting pinball machines... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 103

10:15am EST

Elevate Language Learning: Integrating AI and Tech Tools in the World Language Classroom LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Transform Your Language Classroom: Embrace AI with Diffit, Flint AI, and more! This workshop will showcase how AI and technology can enhance language learning by offering personalized and engaging experiences. Discover practical applications of these tools to boost student participation, provide instant feedback, and facilitate interactive learning. Through lesson examples in Italian and French with English translations, participants will gain insights into creating a tech-savvy, dynamic language classroom. Learn time-saving tips to streamline your teaching workflow, from lesson planning to assessment. Join me to explore the future of language education and how you can harness the power of AI to inspire and motivate your students.

1. Educators will understand how to integrate AI applications and tech tools into their world language curriculum.
2. Educators will develop skills to utilize AI tools to personalize student learning and improve engagement.
3. Educators will acquire time-saving techniques for lesson planning and assessment using AI technology.

Marina Buratti

Teacher, Sewickley Academy
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 101

10:15am EST

High Schoolers Engaging Elementary Students Through Innovative STEM Lessons LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Whether it’s VEX, SkillsUSA or FIRST, these youth robotics programs instill a passion for all things STEM. Garrett County Public Schools (Maryland) leverages this passion by allowing its high school robotics students to teach highly engaging, standards-based, and scalable lessons to all students, grades 2 though 5 - making a systemic impact in our district. These lessons produce many “ah-ha” moments and help ensure that elementary-aged students develop the skills needed for their success in STEM. This session will feature our high school students sharing about their lessons and the “gadgets” they use to teach them -including a LEGO Abacus and Top Spinner, a “math-magic” trick based on the rudiments of binary numbers, a set of LEGO calipers that exactly determine the Golden Ratio and homemade “Makey Makeys”.  Many “gadgets” will be given away. In fact, all participants will take at least one home! This program has been a huge “win-win” success and our students’ passion is contagious. They will inspire you with the difference they make! 

  1. Participants will learn how high school students can be used effectively in teaching STEM lessons to upper elementary students to promote the development of essential STEM Skills such as spatial reasoning, proportionality, and those found in computational thinking.
  2. Participants will be presented with 5 highly engaging and scalable STEM lesson lessons that are easily replicable and reinforce concepts of multiplication, the binary number system, and the significance of the Fibonacci numbers.
  3. Participants will become familiar with FIRST Robotics and how its programs encourage its teams to make a systemic impact on the schools and communities they serve - making a difference to all students, whether they are on a robotics team or not.
avatar for Chuck Trautwein

Chuck Trautwein

Resource Teacher, Garrett County Schools
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 105

10:15am EST

POD x TECH: Using Audio-Storytelling to Enhance Digital and Media Literacy LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Since 2018, PART has operated a  K-12 digital literacy program in 8 school districts across the greater Pittsburgh region. We call our program POD x TECH, in abbreviation for two components that represent growing fields of increasing significance to students workforce readiness — podcasts and technology.

Now in its fourth year, the POD x TECH program, in which PART grew the program to 15 classrooms across 12 schools, PART works directly with students in supplementing their year-long curriculum in two equally important ways, where technology is at the intersection of each student's preparedness for continuing education and entry into the workforce.

Attendees will explore PART's methodology, our successes and failures, and leave with tools for their students and schools.

Mike Zula, or “Mr. Mike” is a Pittsburgh native with an education background spanning the state of Pennsylvania, culminating in matriculation from Penn State and Pitt Law—Mike understands the education landscape in Pennsylvania and abroad as it pertains to both higher education and career readiness programs.

Mr. Mike’s passion is situated somewhere between storytelling and technology—how we tell our stories utilizing technology profoundly impacts the way in which future generations will understand our use (hopefully the responsible use) of technology.

A staunch advocate of individualized education and multimodal education methods, bringing Mike and PART into your classrooms, libraries, or board rooms provides an energetic and entertaining look at how we interact with technology in our educational journeys—journeys which are lifelong.

The Partnership to Advance Responsible Technology (PART) is a Pittsburgh-based, independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit think-tank that engages key, multi-sector stakeholders to ensure the responsible research, development, deployment, and governance of emerging and data-driven technologies, notably artificial intelligence. The POD x Tech program is funded by the Grable Foundation.

Objectives : 
  1. Understand the methodology behind the POD x TECH program: Attendees will learn how PART integrates podcasts and technology into K-12 classrooms to enhance digital literacy and career readiness, and how this approach can be applied in their own schools.
  2. Identify key successes and challenges in implementing a digital literacy program: Attendees will gain insights into the growth and development of the program, including practical takeaways from both its successes and challenges, enabling them to better plan and adapt similar initiatives in their institutions.
  3. Gain tools and strategies for enhancing student workforce readiness: Attendees will leave with actionable tools and strategies to integrate technology and storytelling into their educational programs, fostering students’ preparedness for higher education and the workforce.

Mike Zula

Education Program Manager, Partnership to Advance Responsible Technology
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 109

10:15am EST

Robotics - Where do I start?! LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
This session is ideal for individuals who are wondering how to bring robotics opportunities to their school/community.  Follow the journey of how a high school teacher brought robotics into a district through classroom curriculum and a K-12 after school club.

  1. Become familiar with available educational robotics kits/materials
  2. Compare the framework of course vs. club implementation
  3. Consider your local support system & create a plan

Matt Wilson

USC Robotics Middle School Competitive Coordinator, Upper St. Clair School District
avatar for Tracy Smith

Tracy Smith

USC Robotics Club, Upper St. Clair School District
Speaker Bio:Tracy Smith has been teaching Physics at Upper St Clair High School since 2003. Last year, her courses grew to include robotics education. With a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University and a Master's Degree in Automotive Systems from the University... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am EST
Middle School, Room 113

1:45pm EST

10 Ways to Elevate Teaching & Learning with Artificial Intelligence LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
This session will share 10 impactful ways AI can enhance education. Gain insights from an elementary teacher’s real-world integration, backed by teaching tools and student successes. Attendees will learn about teaching resources that are available to help integrate AI into their learning communities. Elevate your teaching by partnering with AI!

*Devices recommended for attendee participation.*

  1. Attendees will have obtained an introduction to 10 ways to partner with AI in their classroom.
  2. Attendees will leave with a toolkit of practical strategies and will be equipped to incorporate AI into their teaching practices. 
  3. Attendees will develop one or two goals for partnering with AI in their learning communities to better meet the needs of their learners.
avatar for Jennifer Toney

Jennifer Toney

3rd Grade Teacher, Sharpsville Area School District/Pennsylvania Association for Educational Communications and Technology (PAECT)
Jennifer Toney is a #PAProudEducator and member of the Keystones Technology Innovators (KTI) Class of 2019 who has been teaching since 2006. She is a third-grade teacher at the Sharpsville Area School District, where she focuses on digital and analog blended learning approaches to... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 113

1:45pm EST

AI in the Elementary Level LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
AI is a part of computer science that is constantly shaping the future around us. Even the youngest learners need to learn this. Let's take a deep dive into some activities and resources to show off AI in the elementary classroom. This session will give background and hands-on activities for the youngest learners to learn about AI. 

  1. I will understand background information about AI. 
  2. I will do a hands-on activity to introduce AI to the youngest learners.
  3. I will gain resources about AI in the elementary classroom.
avatar for Brendan 	Powell

Brendan Powell

K-2 STEM Teacher, Collegium Charter School
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 219

1:45pm EST

Drone Soccer: Inspiring and Educating Students in STEM fields & Aviation LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
STEM education is pivotal for the future workforce, yet many students, particularly those from underrepresented communities and those with disabilities, lack access to engaging and hands-on STEM learning experiences.

According to the CDC, 1 in 6 children have a developmental disability, which includes both physical and mental impairments, while 4 in 10 children have persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. There is a growing demand for innovative educational programs that captivate students' interest and provide practical skills while also emphasizing interpersonal skills, collaboration, teamwork and fostering a sense of community.

Drone soccer is a thrilling team sport played with radio-controlled quadcopters in protective exoskeletons designed for collisions. Teams of five compete in a netted arena, ramming and blocking to prevent the opposing team from scoring. Before competing, students must learn to build, program, fly, and repair high-performance drones, gaining valuable engineering skills.

  1. What is Drone Soccer?
  2. Resources needed for Drone Soccer
  3. How can United Drone Adventures support Drone Soccer Programs?

Kelly Shields

Lead Data Scientist, United Drone Adventures
avatar for Dr. Sarah Hamsher

Dr. Sarah Hamsher

Department Chair, Elementary Education Programs, Indiana Wesleyan University
I love all things elementary education - from curriculum and instruction to technology to assessment to literacy to special education. I would also love to hear about your cat, snow skiing adventures, or international travels!
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 109

1:45pm EST

Empowering the Future Workforce LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
The L.A.U.N.C.H. (Learn, Aspire, Understand, Navigate, Connect, Highlight) program, Neighborhood Learning Alliance, and STEM Coding Lab are teaming up to share innovative strategies for preparing students to enter the workforce. This collaborative presentation will focus on how career exploration, soft skill development, and breaking down barriers can empower students to thrive in their future careers. Attendees will hear inspiring success stories from past participants and gain practical insights to support students in navigating their pathways to success.

Learning Objectives:
1. Discover the impactful work of L.A.U.N.C.H., Neighborhood Learning Alliance, and STEM Coding Lab, as told through the experiences of program alumni.
2. Gain actionable strategies to equip students with critical skills for success in the growing technology-driven workforce.
3. Explore methods to address and overcome barriers that limit students’ access to career opportunities, fostering equitable pathways to success.
avatar for Rafalene Costanza

Rafalene Costanza

Director, Workforce of the Future, Pittsburgh Technology Council

Kashif Henderson

Executive Director, Neighborhood Learning Alliance

Maya Smallwood

System Analyst, University of Pittsburgh (HSU Alumni)

Tyler Hayes

Customer Success Manager, University of Pittsburgh

Jeremy Mayhew

Engagement Leader, University of Pittsburgh

Cheyenne Mitchell

NLA HSU current student and University of Pittsburgh IT intern

Jason Hivner

Program Director, STEM Coding Lab
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 101

1:45pm EST

Engaging Students Through AI Songwriting, Scratch Coding, and Makey Makey Activities LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Learn how to take your students’ ideas and turn them into engaging songs to help concepts stick. Leveraging AI, teachers can now be song writers and creators. Music sticks in our heads longer than most information, so why not learn to use that to your advantage. Learn to create amazing lesson hooks, engaging activities, and more with some great AI apps. 

Engage your students in creating virtual musical instruments, animations, and games with Scratch! Using Makey Makey, you can introduce them to interactive technology by turning everyday objects like fruit, aluminum foil, or even their own bodies into fun, hands-on controllers for their Scratch projects. Makey Makey lets students see the science behind conductors and insulators while exploring creativity and coding. It’s perfect for STEAM activities, sparking curiosity and making abstract concepts real through touch and play!

1. Discuss AI and different uses in the classroom
2. Learn to create music with Suno AI, and utilize different programs to help with lyrics.
3. Utilize whiteboard programs to collect ideas and collaborate on this process.
4. Audience will learn to code with Scratch
5. Audience will learn how to use Makey Makey
6. Audience will explore how to use Scratch and Makey Makey in their classrooms.
avatar for Junko Yamamoto

Junko Yamamoto

Professor, Slippery Rock University
I used to be a high school Japanese teacher. I have been teaching at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania since 2005. I have taught instructional technology and world language teaching methodology. Hence, I like thinking about "What is a pedagogically sound use of technology in... Read More →
avatar for Matt Karabinos

Matt Karabinos

6th grade teacher, Williamsburg Community School District
Mr. K is a Pennsylvania-based educator and AI consultant specializing in helping teachers integrate artificial intelligence into their classrooms. With a background in Applied Developmental Psychology and a Master’s in Teaching, he combines innovative pedagogy with practical AI... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 103

1:45pm EST

Engineering and CS with LEGO LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Come spend a session getting hands-on experience with LEGO robots and seeing example projects while learning about what local and online resources are available for schools and teachers in our region. 

Hands-on experience with LEGO robotsKnow what LEGO resources exist locally and onlineKnow about supplementary local LEGO robotics competitions

Elizabeth Kysel

Lead Mentor, Girls of Steel Robotics
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 105

1:45pm EST

Piper Make and Take! LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Blast off into the world of electronics and coding with our Piper Make and Take workshop featuring the Piper Make Starter Kit! In this hands-on session, you'll embark on a cosmic journey to set up a microcontroller, complete basic circuits, and program your very own blinking LED sequence. Join us as we explore our engineering skills through the creativity of Minecraft, offering a unique way to build circuits, code, and solve puzzles in the fun and interactive Piper Make environment.

  • Learn how to set up and use a microcontroller.
  • Build and complete simple circuits, including powering and programming LEDs.
  • Write and upload code to control circuits.
  • Create a blinking LED sequence using block-based or text-based programming.

avatar for Brittany Welborn

Brittany Welborn

Business Development Representative, Play Piper
avatar for Chris Bouman

Chris Bouman

Play Piper
Hands-on STEAM solutions for grades 3 - 8
avatar for Play Piper

Play Piper

We founded Piper in 2014 with a simple vision: to create experiences around learning with technology that are hands-on, effective, and fun. Since then, Piper has grown into an award-winning EdTech company based in San Francisco, CA committed to providing quality STEAM educational... Read More →
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 111

1:45pm EST

Plant to Plate Hydroponics: Inspiring 4-H Youth with The Forge of Creation LIMITED
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Plant to Plate Hydroponics: Inspiring 4-H Youth with The Forge of Creation
Subtitle: Experiential & Hands-On Learning, STEM Exploration, and Community Impact
Speakers: Andrew Beers & Derek Jeremias & Matthew Crutchman

Today's educators face the challenge of making learning engaging and relevant. Hydroponics offers a unique opportunity to bring science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) principles to life. The Forge of Creation, an innovative hydroponic system powered by AI, makes this easier than ever before. Exciting news for 2025! Introducing the 2025 Plant to Plate Pilot with The Forge of Creation, brought to you by Allegheny County 4-H. In this program we will be focusing on youth and educator learning and advancement in the world of Agriculture Technology.
This presentation will explore
The partnership with Allegheny County 4-H. Introduction to 2025 Pilot program: Plant to Plate Hydroponics with The Forge of Creation
The evolution of food production and why efficient, high-yield solutions are desperately needed.
The various hydroponics growing styles, including the limitations of existing approaches.
How The Forge of Creation’s unique design and AI-powered Plant Coach overcome these challenges to empower both educators and home growers.
How to use The Forge of Creation to create hands-on learning experiences that engage students across various subjects, including biology, environmental science, and technology.
The potential of The Forge of Creation to foster community engagement, promote food sustainability, and inspire the next generation of innovators.

Matthew Crutchman

Extension Educator, 4-H Youth, Penn State Extension
Monday January 20, 2025 1:45pm - 2:30pm EST
Middle School, Room 209
From $0.00

TRETC 2025
From $0.00
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