Title: Future-Focused Frontiers: 4-H Innovations in AI, AR/VR, STEM, Hydroponics, and Embryology
Subtitle: Hands-On Learning, STEM Exploration, and Community Impact, In-School and Out-of-School Time Learning, Experiential Learning
Presenter: Stephanie Messer, Reed Messes (Youth) Melonie Androstic, Dr. Michael White
Workshop Summary:This engaging workshop introduces participants to current and future programs in 4-H, focusing on how they can bring these innovative opportunities to their communities or schools. The session begins with an overview of 4-H's hands-on learning approach, highlighting its impact on AI and STEM exploration, community involvement, and youth development.
Participants will learn about the diverse range of 4-H programs, from STEM-focused initiatives to hydroponics, embryology, and AR/VR projects, and explore how these programs foster collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. In interactive segments, attendees will gain insights into how they can adapt and implement these programs locally, empowering youth and encouraging positive community engagement.
The workshop concludes with a discussion on the future of 4-H and strategies for creating lasting community partnerships that bring these programs to life.
Key Takeaways:- Learn about current and future 4-H programs and their impact on STEM and community development.
- Discover how to bring 4-H programs to local schools and communities.
- Gain practical strategies for empowering youth through hands-on learning and STEM exploration.