Bring your TRETC Bucks to bid on items! Here’s how it works: Throughout the day, you’ve been collecting TRETC Bucks. Now, it’s time to put those Bucks to good use! We’ll announce each item up for auction, and you can bid using your TRETC Bucks. The highest bidder takes the prize!
Donated items:
Typesy: One Year 500 User School Subscription to
Typesy ($1500 value)
PAECT: 2 $50 Amazon Gift Cards
Flux Space:
3 hours of free STEM Professional Development at FluxspacePittsburgh Opera: 1 pair of tickets to our production of
Madama Butterfly in March
American College of Education: $50 Amazon Gift Card Contest
XYCOM: Copernicus Student Bike Desk
Goosechase Subscription: Valued at $90
Steelcase: One-hour long virtual training session on the design of immersive learning environments to get an overview of the the key elements of designing immersive learning space and 5 effective zones for a design thinking approach in immersive learning programs.